☆ Live YOUR Truth ☆

☆ Live YOUR Truth ☆

Happy FAB FRIDAY beauty!

So today I'm cheating a bit as I normally channel a new message every Thursday night to share with you on Friday afternoon.

This message DID come through last night, however I was inspired to share it on my 2 favorite Social Media platforms too as Elizabeth and I had recorded an interview that inspired me to want to shout from the rooftops the message I'm sharing below.

I love this lady more than words can say ♡

Beth and I met 35 years ago when we both worked in the Histology Lab at Princess Margaret Hospital.

Back then I lived as a people pleaser... a phoney...out of alignment with my heart and soul. I chose a lucrative and secure career to please my parents and to impress society. I ignored my own desires...at a great cost.

I made a great income, but I was hollow inside. My mental health was weak and I struggled with worthiness, I was also bullied a lot.

Each day I thought the 'imposter police' were going to bust through the lab doors and drag me away...stating I had no right to be there. Who was I to be a medical laboratory technologist? I was a fraud.

My life was pretty much hell. Hardly a soul knew as I hid it so well with a smile and a shiny exterior.

My only bright year was when she and I both danced for the Toronto Argonauts!

Flash forward to today where I live in my #truthzone. I don't need to pretend any more. I live as an artist and a healer (Artistic Healer) and coach others to live their healthiest and most authentic life too as a Miracle Mindset Coach.

She met me as an A...and now I'm a B.

She witnessed this and was truly amazed. She was so inspired by my transformation and the system (The Love Your Vibe Miracle Mindset) that saved my life and helped me create an authentic life of MY dreams, that she wanted to learn it too and serve those who need HER personal Story, Message and Magic ☆

Elizabeth is only one of my many beloved Miracle Mindset Mentors... beautiful heart-centred souls who have also been to 'the dark'...experienced a transformation and believe that their Story is here to help others evolve too ♡

You can learn more about her if you click on my website www.elvirahopper.com and go to 'Mentor Page' ☆

If you know anyone who has struggled with hoarding issues, you may wish to connect them with Elizabeth.

I guarantee that they will feel seen, safe, celebrated and supported in her loving and non-judgmental container called a 'Miracle Mindset Mastermind' as part of 'The Love Your Vibe Transformation' ♡

As always I welcome your thoughts if you wish to hit 'Reply'!

At Your Service,


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