A Gift 4 U

A Gift 4 U

A Gift 4 U

OK ... it gives me GREAT joy to send you ABUNDANT blessings for a MAGICAL holiday season ☆

During this time, we heart-centered people can easily slip into the 'low vibration' of a 'not good enough/victim' mindset as we watch many people doing AMAZING things all around us.

I invite you to see that you are ALL KINDS OF FABULOUS ☆

My GIFT is to highlight that YOU are a GIFT to humanity ♡

Can you tell me: how many of these are YOU in this image?

How many things are YOU that are NOT in this image?I would love to see you enjoy the rest of this holiday season in the HIGH VIBE of not only feeling GOOD ENOUGH...but feeling that you are actually quite FABULOUS!

Will you message me back and share with me your magical list so I may witness you?

SO much love to you and yours for a hopeful end to a challenging year ♡

To all my Christian friends, Merry Christmas Eve ☆

To all others practicing your faith in different ways, I wish you nothing but love, peace, joy, health & prosperity ♡

A final wish that you have the opportunity to create a 2022 filled with your most magical dreams come true!

At Your Service,


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