Welcome! We are so glad YOU FOUND US!

A 6-Month Group Mentorship Program

Are you a kind and sensitive person, yet when crap happens, you are SO hard on yourself and your coping skills are unhealthy?

We see you…we can relate to you, and we believe that it’s NOT your fault.

The good news is, we have used this proven personal development SOULution that has served us, and others, to create beautiful MIRACLES (of our heart’s desires) in our lives!

Read on to see what is here that may benefit your healing and growth journey to your BEST LIFE!

Are you merely surviving in any of this “Crap Magnet” quicksand? Imagine instead as a “Miracle Magnet” you:
Struggling with low self-confidence Feel more confident and in touch with your personal power
Feeling stuck with unfulfilling relationships or career Become more discerning with meaningful relationships and career
Even more anxious and isolated since the pandemic Establish deeper connections to support healthier living
Feeling lost and unsure of your purpose Peel back the crap to reveal your joyous and true self
Pointing fingers with resentment or judgement Identify different actions you can take to get better results
Wondering what it really takes to get off the hamster wheel Align with the Miracle Life you want and create more of everything you desire & deserve
People-pleasing and over-giving to feel worthy of love Give from your overflow of self-love and compassion

In this life-changing program, you will:

  • Discover self-love to build and maintain self-worth
  • Take back your personal power with healthy boundaries to create more fulfilling relationships
  • Develop a deeper sense of peace and belonging in genuine community
  • Unlearn old beliefs that keep you stuck so you can BREAK FREE and live the life of your dreams
  • Grow a deeper sense of security and become more confident
  • Love and accept yourself where you are
  • Reconnect to your inner child’s desires (Hint: this is where you discover your purpose)

What Our Clients Are Saying…

“How many times can you read a book, watch a video, attend a class and say ‘that's nice, that's interesting,’ and go back to life?

How many times though, can you say ‘as a result of this, my thinking has changed, the way I look at my life, myself, the past, other people has changed.’

I understand myself much better… I am no longer stuck, I do not have to go back and be who I was, or live like I did -- but move forward’. It is like being awakened by a spiritual alarm clock.

Before LYVT my internal dialogue was very brutal. Self loathing. Terrified of the future. I allowed my thoughts and emotions to take control by default. Saw myself as a victim, broken. Had limited understanding of the ego. Believed the negative parts of my personality was actually who I was.

Now my internal dialogue is more compassionate to myself. I have shifted towards self acceptance. I approach the future more confident, more ready instead of carrying around a feeling of dread. Now when I encounter a thought, an emotion, mood or feeling that is of a low vibration rather than just accepting it and having it take me hostage, I now create a space to question it, try to identify the source of it and see myself as a catalyst rather than victim. I reframe situations to see what is there to learn or what is the assignment for me to grow.”

Scott McLaughlin

Program Includes:

  • 3+ hours of audio and video training that walks you through a proven system for getting out of the Crap Magnet quicksand and into your Miracle Magnet mindset
  • Discover how to tap into and live from your unique Vibration of Authentic Power
  • Be guided to unleash the authentic you, your gifts and legacy
  • Includes lifetime access

In these powerful and intimate group sessions with your Miracle Mindset Mentor of choice, you receive the support you need to get from your Crap Magnet Zone into your Miracle Magnet Zone. Specifically this is your time and space to:

  • Receive guidance to Implement, Integrate & Infuse teachings and tools of The VIP Miracle Mindset Reset Online Course in your personal life
  • Be uplifted by a community of ‘like-hearted’ individuals, as you are ALL committed to becoming YOU 2.0
  • Ask and learn from others’ Q & A
  • Feel Safe, Seen, Celebrated and Supported together
  • See Program Details below for more benefits!

Delivered in 2-hour sessions via Zoom, twice-monthly for 6 months.

  • Get and stay connected 24/7
  • Ask questions
  • Get and give feedback
  • Celebrate each other
  • Receive relevant, supportive material
  • Personal development can raise all kinds of issues and questions which is why this FB group is PRICELESS.

Feeling Safe, Seen, Celebrated and Supported is KEY to becoming a Miracle Magnet for life.

Growing and flowing together in community is incredibly powerful.

What Our Clients Are Saying…

"Back in January 2021, I had a list of ideas on ‘how to be authentic’, what to do and how to do it. And I knew something was missing…When I saw the post on the Launch of The Love Your Vibe Transformation, I got curious enough to follow for a week and then wanted to know more.
Every 2 weeks, I knew I was going to meet with the group of women who were part of my journey of transformation and changing my life and in hopes that I contributed to their journey too.
I love the Teachings and Tools we learnt and get to keep and utilize as needed; the Transformation shows in the way I talk to my family, friends and team. They got an upgraded version of me😁😁

June 2021, I am the priority, I love my life, I accept and love my body, I live my spirituality without guilt or shame and no need to explain my decisions😁 Thank you, thank you!!!"

Erika Aguilar

Program Details:

During our time, we will explore the concepts within The VIP Mindset Reset Online Course together. Grow From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, In Beautiful Community.

Learn to Implement, Integrate & Infuse the effective power-tools of the course, into your life. You will receive “home play” exercises along with supporting evidence of the practices.

This is a simple and impactful way of doing your Inner Work to heal and transform so you may live Aligned, Authentic & Fully Self-Expressed!

Monthly Themes:

The Power of Your Story

  • Discover powerful language for deeper insight & healing with The Emotional Intelligence Wheel so that you can better understand how you’ve been feeling, and allow the truth of your state of mind to be uncovered
  • Further explore your emotions in Crap Magnet Zone to clarify where you get stuck in your daily life, so that you can become aware of these feelings and allow for a more beneficial response.
  • Gain perspective on your IBTT (I’m Better Than This) moments for deeper understanding of self (which is a key to making the shift into a Miracle Mindset)
  • Use powerful journaling practices for deeper insight into the story you’re telling yourself, that keeps you stuck in the Crap Magnet Zone

Things Happen FOR YOU Not TO YOU

  • Discover The Vibrational Scale and how to use it to get present to – and more easily increase – your daily vibration (Hint: the higher your vibe, the more attractive you are to miracles!)
  • Learn how to get out of triggered reactions using the Nasty Contrast Game of Ego, so you feel more confident and in control of your choices
  • Get powerful breathing practices that calm your nervous system, help you to relax and stabilize emotional reactions
  • Use powerful journaling practices to vent frustrations and lighten up
  • Practice shifting into higher states of well-being, quickly, using The Attitude of Gratitude

From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be

  • Empower yourself by taking Radical Responsibility for your emotions in ALL situations as this is a KEY to personal growth
  • Learn to recognize triggers and how integral they are to opening space for healing
  • Catch yourself when you play the finger-pointing Blame Game as taking Radical Responsibility for yourself is required to live a Miracle Life
  • Reflect upon your Angels of Evolution to realize the opportunities for self love and deeper personal growth
  • Develop the KEY of Forgiveness so that you can relieve emotional burdens and create a sense of peace moving forward

Flip The Script!

  • Learn how to develop Healthy Boundaries using The 4 Circles of Personal Power to create more loving and fulfilling relationships
  • Uncover your personal superpowers and explore how they can enhance and truly assist in creating your unique legacy
  • Explore Your WHY (World Helped by You) and your purpose in this lifetime
  • Tap into the powers of manifestation by creating a Vision Board to focus your intentions
  • Celebrate your unique differences as strengths

The 3 Pillars

  • Embrace self love and inner reflection with Mirror Work to reconnect within, as “the eyes are the window to the soul” (William Shakespeare)
  • Nurture the younger parts of yourself with Inner Child Work so that you can let go of your past and live into your brilliant future
  • Discover the Pillar of Extreme Self Care so that you take impeccable care of yourself and get even better results in life
  • Engage with the Pillar of Creativity for self-expression, to rediscover your hidden talents and tap into your joy

Love Your Vibe

  • Tap into the Pillar of Spirituality for a sense of the sacred in daily life and a deeper alliance with your intuition
  • Discover how to use meditation as a tool for connection with inner peace, serenity and concentration for increased productivity
  • Reach a high vibe state with your very own Miracle Mindset Ritual to forge stronger bonds with your higher self for lasting well-being
  • Review and anchor your Love Your Vibe Toolbox, share your inspiration and set intention for your next 6 months


  • Assistance with tuning into your biggest personal challenge
  • Get support in creating a clear and compelling vision for your Miracle Life
  • Develop personalized intention to enhance your experience in your 6-month Program
  • Opportunity to ask questions
  • Benefit personally from your Mentor’s unique Story, Message & Magic/Modality
  • Community: connect with other members globally to share ideas, inspire each other and discuss unique topics.
  • Healing: listen to the audio recordings, created by our Founder, Elvira (jazz artist turned sacred sound healer) to soothe and heal your frazzled body, mind and soul.
  • Inspiration: access fresh new content regularly from Elvira and her team, designed to assist you in making the most out of the program, while staying inspired and elevated.
  • Our Group Mentorship Program is designed as a teaching system, with dedicated Apprentices in Mentor training, to amplify your personal growth in our Community

via Zoom, be soothed & healed at a deep cellar level through Elvira V. Hopper (jazz artist turned sacred sound healer)’s musical channelings & messages. Spirit will serve YOU through her!
Meet your NEW Love Your Vibe Community!

What Our Clients Are Saying…

“It was an absolute privilege and honour to participate in The Love Your Vibe Transformation 6 month program as an apprentice with Eleanor Hayward at the helm!

The benefits of the program are multifold and gave me a foundation of personal development for life!

One of the most enjoyable parts of the program was being on this journey with the other participants who quickly became friends.

We all felt totally Safe, Seen, Celebrated and Supported.

It was obvious how the strength of our bonding grew from one meeting to the next, and we all looked forward to each subsequent gathering.

On a personal level, the ability to be an apprentice solidified the teachings and tools so much that I got more out of the program than I could ever have imagined.

Being a Miracle Mindset Mentor Apprentice was also a teaching tool in itself that cemented my desire to become a mentor and share this program around the world!

The experience was truly one of the best in my life!”

Janet Shore

INVEST in YOU with our 6-Month Group Mentorship BUNDLE
(all prices in CAD + applicable taxes)

If you choose to be served by Pan, Julie, Akosua, Aline, Justin,  Erika, or Christy for their ‘Beta Flights’ as newly graduated Miracle Mindset Mentors:

Option 1: Full Pay: $1497 (Save $285)*

Option 2: $297 / month for 6 months*

If you choose to be served by Lead Miracle Mindset Mentor Eleanor Hayward, our Dream Team’s beloved trainer:

Option 1: Full Pay: $2197 (Save $485)*

Option 2: $447 / month for 6 months*

*if you have already purchased The VIP Mindset Reset Online Course, you will be rebated upon emailing your
receipt to elvira@elvirahopper.com


You may gravitate to one particular mentor, and select your choice in the shopping cart! If you feel warmly about all of them, you can select any from the drop-down field in the cart. From there, Elvira will help you determine your perfect match.

Eleanor Hayward

Eleanor Hayward

Empower, Embody, Evolve

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve supported hundreds of clients in the field of health and wellness as a massage therapist and holistic facilitator. My specialty is creating space for people and asking powerful questions, to facilitate Ah-Ha moments for embodied action.

Along the path of being an independent entrepreneur, I discovered many valuable personal growth tools. It felt like the hard path to growth though, working with one tool at a time, most often on my own. Although my life shifted, and I started creating moments of magic, I still struggled with making the bigger transformation I desired.

UNTIL, I discovered The Love Your Vibe Transformation by Elvira, which captures such a synergistic blend of tools brilliantly–with some effective, unique additions–into ONE personal development SOULution. Plus, the effect is amplified by a beautiful community! Using The Love Your Vibe Transformation, I’ve overcome such challenges as:

  • ego dynamics, including bullying & victimhood
  • frustrating miscommunications
  • family traumas
  • power-struggles
  • unhealthy relationship boundaries

Now, rather than just experiencing a glimpse of the miracles, I more often manifest my intentions. I’ve discovered the ability to transform fear into excitement, and step out of my comfort zone with love (for that’s where the miracles await us!).

It is my honour to mentor you (and train our Dream Team!!) in this program and shine a light so you, too, can get out of your own f’n (fear & ego) way and create the authentic life of YOUR dreams. With my super-powers of empathy and curiosity, I’m blessed to serve so you can explore off the beaten path of the status quo and create your miracle life.

Julie Rose

Julie Rose

Peace, Purpose, Possibility

Julie’s childhood was steeped in tragedy. Witnessing the adults in her life go through many losses taught her to be empathetic and a great helper. She cooked meals, cleaned the house and more at a very young age. Julie was obedient and pleased others with her academic excellence, hard work and devoutness.
Her excellent people-pleasing skills led to a life filled with depression, anxiety, panic and experiencing abuse. Now Julie lives in a peaceful paradigm and helps others do the same. Her life’s mission is to help others find peace in the midst of a chaotic world. She believes as each person finds peace, it will create a ripple of peace throughout the world.
The teachings and tools within The Love Your Vibe Transformation are the “Secret Sauce” in her recipe of spiritual, physical and mental well-being. More about Julie: Julie is a mama and wife who worked in management, education, wellness, and beauty industries. She is committed to equity, growth, community projects and loving her vibe.
A huge fan of multicultural activities, she loves travel, reading, vintage movies, writing, art, American football, baseball, the ocean, vegan food, acting in small indie movies, cats and playing with her inner child.
Pan Vera

Pan Vera

Self Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, Communication

Pan is very empathic and committed to facilitating meaningful connections. Pan went through several deeply satisfying yet extremely challenging love relationships and experienced periods of chronic anxiety and depression. The tools he gained through NVC facilitated a transformation to living fully and completely, energized and joyfully!

Having fallen in love with the tools of NVC, Pan studied closely with the creator, Marshall Rosenberg (more than four hundred hours), and was certified by the Puget Sound Network for Compassionate Communication as an NVC Trainer in 2004. Over years of practice, Pan incorporated NVC practices into this life, and he uses the transformation he experienced to help others.

The Love Your Vibe teachings added another layer of powerful tools for transformation. He discovered deeply buried resentments about things that occurred in his first marriage and therefore, had not fully integrated because of the pain associated with them. The examination led him to a deeper understanding of himself, and what he can ask for in my life.

This elevated his sense of self love and self-respect. He also gained an understanding of seeing people he had been friends with and no longer enjoyed being with in such a way he was no longer bothered by choosing not to spend much time with them. This led
him away from being a people pleaser, to being more authentic in his relationships.
The totality of Pan’s experiences, combined with NVC tools, enables Pan to use his powerful assets with outstanding results. Pan can work with anyone from any culture or background and those with challenges. Pan particularly loves working with leaders, as these people inspire others.
Akosua Brown

Akosua Brown

Caregiving, Voice, Acceptance

For over thirty years I’ve worked in the publishing industry and I love it! It’s a people industry, where I’m an entrepreneur working with a team to produce the author’s vision and I’m so proud of what I’ve created through my business, WYSAS. I love working behind the scenes, making people shine!

Plus am a biological mother to four, now grown children, and step mother to two more. I even have two grandchildren now (which feels so weird to me as I sure don’t feel old enough for this role!). And I’m watching my own mom disappear due to the Alzheimer’s.

My most important and difficult job is “mom.” Keeping kids safe from harm is HARD when they are little and harder still as they grow up and the dangers are more spiritual and psychic than physical.

I’ve been widowed, divorced, a millionaire, and I’ve been bankrupt. I’ve experienced great highs and deep lows, just as you have. One thing I’ve never had a chance to be is bored— life is messy, that’s for sure!

I have learned so much through the Love Your Vibe Transformation—for me, inner acceptance has been key. Now I am truly a Miracle Magnet and I look forward to sharing six months with you where I can share the tools that have literally saved and transformed my life!
Aline Marie

Aline Marie Brown

Worthiness, Willingness, Wonderment

As a retired labourer and union rep in the automotive industry, representing inner power with many healing & transformational modalities under her belt, Aline leads with precise yet gentle influence, which lends currency, credibility and commitments she has held dear to her heart for her whole life.

People in conflict and chaos have taught her the process of ‘not personalizing’.

Aline’s strengths are her dedication to development in interdependent relationships in the dynamics of the vision of inner harmony one one’s inner consciousness.

Aline’s Soul Purpose is leading while being a part of people’s transformations and apart on her own continual inner development.

To be a Miracle Mindset Mentor, Aline believes in ‘sacred space’ to leading others to their own awareness, choice & inspirations.

Aline’s specialty is in her own alchemical experience of breaking through from resonating with grief to be in vibrational alliance with celebration!

Being alongside another’s healing journey means understanding of one’s own journey experience is their medicine.

Aline believes people deeply know what they desire and they know their Purpose, and feels she can offer skilled guidance with excellent teachings & tools on their journey.

Aline has witnessed that in this program she has mined virtually every area of healing & growth deeply AND this program ties a bow on it all with proven results.

It’s Aline’s honour to serve those who resonate with her!

Justin Tesser

Justin Tesser

Self Care, Self Expression, Authentic Living

My name is Justin, and I am here to serve you with Love Your Vibe’s very own ‘Transformational Teachings and Tools’! 
I believe in the magic of practicing self care, and I encourage others to practice their own routines. Having been an entertainer and musician all my life, I believe living one’s purpose and putting ourselves into what we love can help us practice living in alignment daily. I also believe in the power of letting go of unhealthy relationships with people/things that are keeping us unhappy, and setting personal boundaries so we can truly value ourselves and become Miracle Magnets.
I look forward to working with people who wish to become their best selves, and holding space for ‘powerless’ persons as they regain their power in life. As an LGBT+ person, I wish to see individuals from marginalized groups gain a sense of community and feel included in society.
As a Miracle Mindset Mentor, I am thrilled to help guide you as you live your best life!
Erika Aguilar

Erika Aguilar

Believe, Trust, Manifest

As an entrepreneur and network marketer I value searching for way to enhance overall well-being and personal growth.

With the increasing demands of everyday life, it has become crucial to seek guidance and support from mentors who can help navigate through challenges and achieve one’s full potential. Therefore learning modalities to guide individuals in all aspects of their life, promoting a deeper understanding and balance in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms is important to me as a team builder and leader.

During the Love Your Vibe 6 months Transformation Program, I experienced an overall personal growth including physical health, emotional well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual connection. And with the teachings and tools available I intend to guide you to bring about a harmonious balance in your life by holding safe space for all participants and showing up with love and compassion, as I believe a leader’s best practice to be.

In my life I have dealt with physical ailments, emotional trauma, limiting beliefs and lack of clarity about my purpose and my WHY. Therefore, I believe, a small community where you could feel comfortable expressing your challenges and exploring solutions through various tools and techniques, is an inviting choice for heart-centred leaders, and an opportunity for navigating these obstacles and finding the path to a more aligned, authentic and fulfilled life.

I will encourage self-reflection and self-discovery, guiding you to uncover your strengths, values, and passions. With this, you will gain clarity about your goals and aspirations, enabling you to make conscious choices aligned with your true self.

By tapping into your inner wisdom, you could potentially live a more authentic, harmonious, fulfilled and purposeful life.

Christy Holt

Christy Holt

Happiness, Love, Authenticity

Christy Holt is a self-proclaimed Happiness Hussy on a mission to spread happiness across the world. She is passionate about helping her clients to overcome people pleasing and set boundaries, fostering the ability to create happy and healthy relationships. As an adventure guide for life (mentor), the host of the ‘Create Your Happy’ podcast, and an international best-selling author of ‘Unstuck For Women’, Christy shines a light on the path to happiness and true fulfillment.

In her role as a Miracle Mindset Mentor, Christy is passionate about supporting and loving her soul-led clients as they discover and unlearn, making space for their inner truth to be discovered and experienced. She specializes in empowering individuals to break out of survival mode, guiding them towards a life brimming with love, happiness, and authenticity. Her compassion-filled mentorship is a powerful catalyst for discovering the joy and love that stem from unapologetically living an authentic life.

Christy’s unique approach as a Happiness Hussy focuses on unraveling the truth and love within each individual to create the life, relationships, and impact they’ve always desired. Her nurturing space fosters curiosity, dismantles old limiting beliefs, and opens doors to new awareness and endless possibilities. So long, Crap Magnet. Helloooooo, Miracle Magnet!


Join the Love Your Vibe Transformation with Christy, and step into a world where your happiness, authenticity, and love are not just dreams, but your reality.

What Our Clients Are Saying…

Eleanor is extremely gifted as a mentor. She is much better than she realizes. I admire her so much in so many ways and cannot say enough about her.

It never ceases to amaze me what we get into when the group meets. That does not happen by accident. Said it before, say it again Eleanor is a phenomenal facilitator 🙏👏.”

Scott McLaughlin

A Personal Note From Founder, Elvira V. Hopper

With SO many beautiful souls struggling, I feel privileged that because of MY personal breakdown–where I did NOT wish to go on living–I was divinely gifted (I truly didn’t make up this miraculous system) with a ‘way out’, namely ‘The Love Your Vibe Transformation’.

I would go through every single moment of pain I endured in my final 2 corporate Crap Magnet years again, because I was born to share this NEW personal development SOULution with the world, through beautiful heart centred leaders like Eleanor and Jennifer!

I had done a LOT of personal development in my 45 years, yet at my rock bottom NOTHING worked for me (eg; Tony Robbins teachings, Landmark Education, Roman Catholic teachings etc.).

I asked for a ‘way out’ that was not drugs or therapy (no disrespect to anyone using these methods) or for a way of ending my life. Yikes! Thankfully I got a WAY; and that WAY has become a MOVEMENT, as I was told that it was NOT just for me. I have never returned to my ‘mental health hell’ since I received it. It truly WAS a MIRACLE!

The Love Your Vibe Transformation system supported me to become aligned, authentic and FULLY self-expressed (where I even became a pro jazz artist at 51 years old), which saved my sanity and my life. Virtually every dream has come true! My marriage went from ‘Hell on Wheels’ to ‘Heaven on Earth’! Everything I do is pure passion and purpose, so I don’t work a day in my life. I want this for the world!

I have been told by many that this WAY of doing ‘personal development’ helped them even more than Tony Robbins, Landmark & other systems. It’s ideal for kind & heart centred souls as it’s a more gentle, with a less ‘in your face,’ approach. What I like BEST is that small communities will be gathering globally to LOVE THEIR VIBE, and stay in Miracle Magnet Zone FOREVER! I invite YOU to benefit TOO!

Bottom line dear souls: our lives will never be smooth & perfect, but I can guarantee that when you have these simple yet powerful teachings & tools in your back pocket, you can bounce back quicker and your caring mentors and beautiful community helps you to stay there!

What Our Clients Are Saying…

Eleanor was extremely kind… she provided a safe sounding board, listened intently and where appropriate, fed-back anecdotes that helped to broaden my thinking. She also provided some useful tools that served to move my thought process along.

The process was positive and I recommend Eleanor if you are seeking clarity, wanting to move obstacles to your growth, or simply to broaden your thought process.”

Karen C Johnson, Sales and Marketing Executive

It can be difficult, lonely and scary embarking on the journey of personal development. We are fellow travelers. Allow us the privilege of accompanying you on your path!

We can’t promise you anything other than this, as it’s your journey!
Will you choose us as your companions?