Have Compassion

Have Compassion

Have Compassion

OK….here’s a short yet powerful message worth considering…

Can you choose to heal enough personally, so you are no longer or not as activated/triggered by what others DO or DON’T do? 

Is it possible for you to end the need for Outer Validation and shift to a place of Compassion (for yourself & others) instead?

I believe it is not only possible, but necessary in order to have Inner Peace.

You see, what others think & do has little to do with you. If others are in pain, for example, it is a natural human behavior to Project onto others their pain. 

We do not see the world as it IS, we see the world as we ARE.

The deeper you do your Inner Work, the less you are affected by what goes on Out There.

Life gets calmer & more joyful when you work on staying in alignment with who you truly are, vs. who they need you to be, for their safety & comfort. 

I wonder who needs to hear this message that just came through, is it YOU?

If so…please Hit Reply and let me know how this idea serves your life right now, as being ‘witnessed’ in your AHA can be very transformational. 

SO much love to you beautiful soul ♡

At Your Service, 


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