OK……beautiful heart-centered soul…
I invite you to imagine ‘Fearless Aging’ for yourself ☆
How much do you fear aging?
If you are anything like I was, you may believe you are valued for your beautiful face & body & style.
During my 2 years of therapy about 25 years ago, I remember telling Terry, my therapist, that I was terrified of aging, as I worked in an industry (Pharma Sales) that valued youth & beauty.
He asked me if my thoughts were really true.
Did others only value me because I was young & attractive?
At that time, I lived SO out of alignment as an imposter, that I needed that ‘Outer Validation’ like I needed oxygen.
I believed that virtually the only reason I was making a great salary at a career many coveted was because of my pleasing personality & my looks.
We dug deep, and we figured out that as a child of my Italian culture, my mother being a world-class tailor who worked in Italian fashion houses… outer beauty was valued virtually over everything.
I have healed a LOT over the last 12 years especially.

Fast forward to today. At almost 61, I’m told that Iook better than when I was in my 30’s.
I believe that because I’ve been healing & growing… ‘Loving My Vibe’…ie: getting ‘Aligned & Authentic & Fully Self Expressed…where I truly love myself deeply…and it actually shows up on my face ♡
I am SO NOT AFRAID to grow old. My ‘Inner Beauty’ is what counts the MOST.
This isn’t the MAIN reason I invite us to do our ‘Inner Work’… but it’s definitely a cool bonus… don’t you think?
If you do have fear around aging, and would rather experience peace around it instead, please Hit Reply & reach out for a
no-obligation chat around what might be possible for YOU ♡
At Your Service,
P.S. Also, I recently experienced getting hacked & locked out of my Facebook account. If you have tried to connect in Messenger, it looks like I may have blocked you. But I did not.
Rest assured that you can reach me here or by cellphone #416 908 8745, any time at all