OK.… today’s short yet mighty message was inspired by Riseup Podcast’s post on the new platform ‘Threads’ tonight.
I pray it aligns with and serves you too ☆
“Find the place where there is joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell ♡
“If you are hurting right now, know you can channel your pain into art, which can heal, grow and inspire others. The world is waiting to see you and hear you. Create.”

I could not love this more than I do.
You see, I have a crazy little secret.
Every time life does not go ‘my way’…I tend to channel my feelings into creating a Social Media post…and POOF… I feel LIGHTER, more compassionate and loving towards myself & in turn others.
It’s quite magical really ♡
I would love to hear how
this post served you to shift
even just one degree ☆
What creative expression(s) do you channel YOUR challenging feelings into?
Just Hit Reply and your message goes directly to me!
At Your Service,