Your Dream Marriage

Your Dream Marriage

So today I was asked to inspire those of you in a marriage...who are not exactly living your 'Dream Marriage'.

I believe this state IS possible when we each do the inner work on ourselves and do not expect another to 'complete us'.

I feel my beloved hubby (of 31 years this June) and l had to experience trials and tribulations for MOST of our marriage so we could eventually transform our relationship and serve others to do the same ♡

EGO is what kills most marriages in my humble opinion. When we forget who we TRULY beautiful & divine beings here to share our gifts with with the world...and let EGO run the show...we can truly become CRAP MAGNETS.

Dare I say, when I lived out of alignment in my 2 'ROCKSTAR' careers spanning 27 years...I was a freshly planted tree...and any 'wind' (bullies, mental issues, physical issues, addictions and marriage struggles) could 'blow me away'...and DID.

I needed validation/approval of my worth from I did not value myself.

When I shifted to a place of living in alignment with my heart and my Higher/True Self...NOT my EGO self...miracles big and small found ME daily ☆

Very humbly and honestly I share that there were years where we were not sure we would even make it.

What could have torn us apart actually brought us closer together.

We were blessed to use our 'breakdowns' to communicate vulnerably and deeply...which led to breakthroughs...miracles!

We are now solid oak trees. No 'wind' can ever blow us away ever again.

We studied at 'The School of Hard Knocks'...and have each earned a PhD in our marriage's personal transformation.

Do you operate as your Higher Self conciously and more frequently in your marriage...or do you live by default as your EGO self?

We do have both versions of ourselves inside of us. It's up to us as to which one rules.

This reminds me of the Cherokee story of 2 wolves battling in each of us. The grandson asks the grandfather which one wins...and he answered:

"The one you feed most".

Your EGO can easily ruin your marriage beautiful soul. Don't let it..

BE your True/Higher Self...and live YOUR Dream Marriage!

At Your Service,


Get Out Of Your Own F'N Way...Your Miracle Life Awaits!

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