Today’s message may be for you! If it’s not, may I ask you to forward it on to ‘that person’ who can use it? You never know…you might just transform their life ☆

I recently read a post on LinkedIn:

“People think being self-employed is risky, but the much bigger risk is working a ‘traditional job’. 

A friend of mine got laid off this week.

I told them “Congratulations!”—they’re a smart person and will be totally okay.

But it also made me wonder: why do people think working for YOURSELF is risky?

Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Just think about it: when you work for someone else, you can be fired or let go at any time. Or the company could go out of business. Or you could get a new boss that sucks. Or any number of other things could go wrong that are totally outside your control.

Things go wrong being self-employed too, but it’s different. 

If something goes wrong in your business, you fix it. Or you change it—you try something new.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying “Everyone should be self-employed.” I’m just saying, don’t work a traditional job unless you’re comfortable with risk!

Those of us who work for ourselves are taking the ‘safe path’. 

Think about this and make whatever decision is best for you. And if you do have a job and like the idea of building more security for yourself—what’s your plan? What’s your next step?

One idea is to create a new source of income without quitting your job.

Might be good to work on that today!”  

I said: “Exactly! No one is more at risk than an employee… needing to shape shift into what they need to be to stay employed. Yuck.”

So…with regards to the ‘riskiness’ of Self Employment, I wish to honour my lovely & talented Graphics Goddess MJ McQueen of @mjmcqstudio!

She has ‘dug deep’ & ‘done her work’ to venture out onto her own after over 31 years of corporate employment…which got very toxic at the end.

Transitions like this are truly NOT for the ‘weak of heart’. It takes a ton of trust, courage and quite frankly, CHUTZPAH…to NOT run back to the ‘comfort & safety’ of a ‘day job’.

Here is some unsolicited feedback she shared on my recent social media posts ☆

“Grateful for all the support and encouragement along the road to transformation! Thank you for being my coach… and for inspiring me to push myself further and reaching higher.”

And on another post she wrote:

“Thank you for coaching me through some major life adjustments when I lost my job due restructuring and 2.5 years of corporate bullying. Your insights showed me how to recognize how it happened for me and not to me. Learning to ‘Love My Vibe’ has been a game changer!”

It is a truly joy & a deep honour to witness MJ’s growth into the  greatness she was born for!

I invite you to Hit Reply if you are at a crossroads and are on the cusp of transition, I see you. I was you. Let’s chat!

At Your Service, 


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