My Battle Cry Till I Die

My Battle Cry Till I Die

My Battle Cry Till I Die

OK *|FNAME|*…today’s message came through as I sat on an uber comfy chair at the beautiful Elmwood Spa in Toronto yesterday…celebrating my 61st birthday ☆

I believe with every fibre of my being that if IT’s in you…IT’s in you for a REASON.

Who do you need to become in order for IT (eg: album, book, screenplay, painting, movement etc.) to flow through you…
so IT can serve the world?

Can you choose to do your ‘Inner Work’ of healing your trauma (BIG ‘T’ & little ‘t’) & uplevelling your mindset, so you can show up more aligned & authentic & FULLY self expressed…in order for IT to bless the world in a way that only IT/YOU can?

I have experienced first hand and have witnessed in my clients that when we creative & heart-centred souls with MORE still in us, get out of our own f’n (fear ‘n ego) way, IT can serve deeply through us.

What is still in YOU to DO?



How will you allow IT to serve at the highest level you can imagine?

Remember…IT need NOT be PERFECT…but IT needs to be REAL ☆

When you courageously do IT…your health (physical & mental) improve. The right relationships get better. The wrong ones drop away.

Aligned, authentic & fully expressed living can set you up to be a Miracle Magnet for LIFE… your ONE PRECIOUS LIFE ♡

My father & first love tragically died with their REAL MUSIC STILL IN THEM.

They showed me who NOT to be and what NOT to do.

I’m blessed to NOT die with mine still in me. I SO want this for you too ☆

Please don’t die with YOUR REAL MUSIC STILL IN YOU.

We NEED YOUR (metaphorical or literal) MUSIC!

& you are NEVER TOO OLD ☆

And when you do…you may just discover your own Heaven-On-Earth ☆

Hit Reply if this message moved you and you are curious about what’s next for YOU♡

At Your Service,


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