Marriage Rebirth

Marriage Rebirth

Marriage Rebirth

Today I pray to inspire you with a very personal & vulnerable story I call:
From An Impossible To An Incredible Marriage ☆☆

My husband & I were as opposite as 2 people could be.

And yet there was a magical & magnetic pull that brought us together. It actually felt like destiny that we get married.

Our marriage was constantly barraged with hurt feelings. I found myself often looking for people, places & things to validate my existence.

You see, I did not know how to value myself back then. He did his best to love and value me in the ways he knew how.

Yet, there is only so much one can do to convince another of their value. Only the struggling person can do that for themselves.

I can see now that for many years we were actually trauma-bonded more than anything.

We each survived our own childhood wounds yet, because we had not truly faced them, they played out in our marriage.

We took the trauma of our youth out on each other for too many years and too many tears. Trauma creates drama.

Ultimately I did NOT value myself and as a result, I could not value him either.

I would point my finger at him, making him the reason why I was miserable.

We came very close to throwing in the towel on 3 separate occasions.   

They were some VERY scary years.

And today we celebrate 33 years of marriage!!

Today we actually live our own ‘Heaven On Earth’!!

If you told me back then, during our darkest times, that our ‘hell on wheels marriage’ would eventually become a magical ‘heaven on earth’, I would have either told you that you were crazy…or I might have fallen to the floor in tears of gratitude.

The moral of our personal story, as I see it, is that when we choose to heal & grow (transform) from living primarily as our egoic (self protective) selves and shift into our aligned, authentic & fully self-expressed selves, marriage miracles CAN magically find US!

My beautiful beloved (whom I would not trade for all the gold in the world) and I are walking & talking living proof that the ‘Inner Work’ WORKS ♡♡

Years ago I asked him how he put up with me ALL those years when I was ‘hell on wheels’? He calmly told me: “Because I KNEW that the BEST was YET to COME”.

I am blessed beyond blessed beyond blessed. Wouldn’t you agree?

To give back, as we were gifted with our own Marriage Rebirth, and in honour of our 33rd anniversary, I’ve opened up my schedule for 5 complimentary ‘Sacred Marriage SOULution Sessions’ next week.

Please ‘Hit Reply’ to let me know why NOW is an ideal time for us to chat, as you may be eligible for one of these sacred sessions to support YOUR marriage too…which I SO want for you ♡

At Your Service,

PS. This pic was taken in Jamaica, exactly 3 years ago today on our 30th wedding anniversary!

One Response

  1. My friend/sister Prem, had told me of you. After few years we got connected on fb. Right now looking for support for saving my relationship which I manifested at 50.

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