Happy FAB FRIDAY beauty!

Ok...the message that came through today is a bit more esoteric and I hope inspires you as much as it did me!

You see, last night I attended a wonderful new networking event hosted by the fabulous team of Carol Elizabeth & Alecia May....and was blown away by the beautiful vibe in that room ♡

A wonderful fellow coach Anna Gala (www.sitwithanna.com) spoke in a way that I'm very familiar with....she channelled...as I channel too.

Both Anna and I speak from a deep alignment with our souls...and inspired messages just transmit through us to serve others. It's quite miraculous to experience!

It touched my heart deeply when we spoke afterwards...as we are essentially sharing the same message. Many female entrepreneurs go into a place of defensive turf protection if they encounter 'competition'. Anna and I admitted we do not believe in competition as the Universe is abundant and needs us ALL ☆

We feel that the more we come together as 'Lightworkers' (ie: anyone brought here in this lifetime to help others connect to their truth...their higher self...in their own unique way)...the more the world benefits!

Do you resonate? Are you a Lightworker too?

The majority of my tribe does identify with this title...as Lightworkers tend to be people who have experienced deep darkness...and found a way out...and now can give hope to and inspire THEIR tribe.

Rumi said: "The wound is the place the light enters". My tribe knows wounds all too well. This makes us equipped to help others survive theirs as we were blessed to survive our own.

If this term is new to you...I would love to hear from you...please do share any thoughts or 'ahas' you experience.

Keep shining bright, you beautiful diamond...your time has come to rise & serve the world ☆

At Your Service,


P.S. Be aware of 'high energy' & 'extra emotions' today as it's a Blood Red Full Moon.

P.P.S. Do you wish to connect with your 'Masterpiece Self' at a magical retreat in one of the most beautiful places on the planet? Please this link!

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