I’m super aware of how it is for SO many beautiful heart-centred humans today. Too many are living out of alignment & inauthentically, which can zap their Personal Power.
1. ‘The 4 Circles of Personal Power‘: You can download this FREE TEACHING &TOOL on my website! I pray it encourages you to have better boundaries…as it can help you get clear on who supports your authenticity & deserves to be in your Inner Circle…and who can be loved from a safe distance. It truly helped me never get bullied ever again from a family member. I can assure you that it’s powerful medicine ☆
2. ‘From Crap Magnet to Miracle Magnet‘: During ‘dark times,’ I encourage you to shift from being a Crap Magnet (inadvertently attracting what you don’t want) into being a Miracle Magnet (attracting what you DO want) by noticing how you are feeling/where you a vibrating.
For example, by simply choosing gratitude (one of the highest vibrations you can live in), it can quickly shift your mood! I challenge you to be grateful for the good… but EVEN your challenges…than can hone you into a better and more authentic YOU ♡
3. ‘Living in Alignment & FULLY self-expressed‘: Allow my journey of transitioning from my imposter Big Pharma career to becoming a coach, healer & pro jazz artist (my childhood dream) at 51… where I do not work a day in my life…as an example of what is possible for YOU to live more self-expressed & authentic too!