☆ Are You Living YOUR Best Life? ☆

☆ Are You Living YOUR Best Life? ☆

Happy FAB FRIDAY beauty!

So I was inspired to share this message I sent last night to a dear soul sister who I sensed is not living HER best life...the life of HER dreams...but perhaps she's living by default...living what she was told would bring her happiness.

She's a respected professional but I believe works primarily for the money & security her position brings...just as I used to.

She takes meds to deal with her depression & anxiety.

I firmly believe that living out of alignment with our truth & bigger Purpose/Dharma can bring on mental health struggles.

Here's what I messaged her privately.

Do you resonate?

"I'm beyond passionate to serve those I know I was born to serve as I firmly believe that my Story HAD to count for SOMETHING.

I am a STAND for beautiful souls like you & I to live our authentic truth & impact the world in a way that only WE can...and have the income we need to create the life of OUR dreams ☆

This leads us to staying out of 'the dark places'...naturally.

I cannot express just how important this is to me. It's my Dharma... my Purpose...my Raison d'Etre.

What do you believe is YOURS?

Do you have a plan in place on achieving it? It's not necessarily LIVING it...right away...it's simply having a plan in place.

I feel that where there's a plan there's hope...then inspired action gets us there eventually"

What does this mean to you?

Just hit reply to share your thoughts... and I will hit reply back!


At Your Service,


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