A Unique Time

A Unique Time

A Unique Time

OK …..I’m inviting you to a global event where my brilliant team & I are speaking. It will be on Sept 16th at 11am ♡

Join us to feel renewed & recharged, led by many world-class experts ☆ 

Learn to eliminate your frustrations, stress, mental fatigue, and aches & pains, and learn new ways to de-stress, relax, and adopt a purpose-driven mindset.

Visit the link to learn more and register early! 

But don’t keep this all to yourself. Consider sharing this with family and friends as well! 🙂

When it comes to wellness, health, or success, do you know someone who wants to ‘have it both ways’? 

This 7-Day MEGA EVENT was designed with them in mind… or, with you in mind, if you’ve ever tried to ‘have it both ways’ 😉

  • Want to lose weight and keep eating junk?
  • Want to build a business but don’t want to leave the security of your job?
  • Want to live a life of purpose and passion but want to do it without leaving the couch and the remote control?

If you know someone trying to have it both ways, please invite them to join you at the ‘Global Wellness and Positivity Experience’.

Here are some of the experiential sessions you’ll be able to enjoy together:

  • Holistic practitioners
  • Life coaches
  • Business coaches
  • Meditation guides
  • Yoga master instructors
  • Motivational speakers
  • Energy and sound healers
  • Relationship experts  
  • Parenting experts
  • Spiritualists
  • Nutritionists
  • Trauma Recovery Specialists
  • Therapists of all disciplines
  • Business & Finance experts
  • Education experts

This will be a life-changing experience!


I’m looking forward to seeing you at the event…if it feels aligned for you ☆

At Your Service,




An Uplifting Jazz Musical Presentation
On Sept. 17th at 5:30 – 6:00 PM EST, Zoom Room #2. Enjoy an Inspirational Jazz mental getaway. Listen to “Heart & Soul” and their beats that inspire. Vibe with “Open Tone Music” as people of all ages learn to play and appreciate jazz. This jazz presentation is proof that you can start living your dream at any age. Meet Darryl Joseph-Dennie and his partner Elvira V. Hopper who started her Jazz performance career late in life and the young people of “Open Tone Music” who are starting early in life. Enjoy!

You May use the Zoom link in this event to join this presentation only or you can take advantage of the free registration described below to gain full access to the week-long event.

This is all a part of the Global Wellness & Positivity Experience taking place September 11th-17th. FREE registration and additional information about the full week of activities can be found here: https://vibrantlivingsummit.com/

Here are some of the things you can look forward to:

● An uplifting Music Concert, featuring a pre-concert show of inspiring story-sharing interviews
● A unifying 7-Day Challenge, using a process that is scientifically proven to positively impact the brain, helping you to achieve more
● Adult and children’s Emotional Intelligence & Personal Development playdate, including a teen/youth mini-summit
● Daily Global Networking events—expand your global network reach
● Presentations by more than 100 world-renowned experts from fields of personal development, mental fitness, stress management, the law of attraction, busting limiting beliefs, NLP/EFT, holistic wellness, and much more…
● Closing Quantum Healing Keynote Music Concert Make sure to register early!

Visit: https://vibrantlivingsummit.com/


Change Your Life Today with Elvira's Free Teaching