Today’s idea may not be new to you.
Yet although you may have heard this simple concept many times before…have you ever actually tried it on like a new coat?
One of my beloved clients and my fabulous head of graphic arts dept. at evhopper enterprises & I became accountability buddies!
I wish to shout out after MJ McQueen as per the picture ♡
To do WHAT you ask?
To clear up areas of our home in which clutter just ‘happened’.
We are committed to hopping onto a video chat for 30 minutes once a week, where we hold each other accountable to ‘diving’ into our micro messes fearlessly…and tackling them with as much grace, ease & humour as possible!
We were both avoiding those areas of our homes as they did not ‘feel good’. Can you relate at all?
We just had our FIRST session! After only 30 minutes, we both feel lighter & brighter!
We found it SO much easier to lock arms with a like-hearted human, and not have to ‘go it alone’ ♡
Isn’t that cool? We learned that simply ‘diving in’ and simply ‘beginning’ cleared up not just physical space, but space in our minds, hearts & souls ☆
I know that when we make space, miracles can fill those spaces!
Some very cool things have happened for each of us…and we feel really good!
Here’s my Challenge for you: Who can YOU partner with weekly and take on a cluttered area of your space?
Hit Reply & let me know if you care to take me up on my ‘Clutter Challenge’…so YOU can be a Miracle Magnet too ☆
At Your Service,
E PS. Also… If you live in the GTA, check out this beautiful ‘Chakra Day‘ I’m blessed to co-facilitate with 2 incredible women on November 21. It’s a wonderful day of Sacred Selfcare that might serve you deeply ☆