Have you ever ‘walked through the fire’…metaphorically?
I’m not talking Tony Robbins style…lol!
I’m talking ‘dark night(s) of your soul’ fire.
What if those who set you on fire were actually your biggest ‘Angels of Evolution’…ie: they abused you, yet set you up to become the kind & sensitive yet fierce soul you were meant to be?
What if you were destined to experience your ‘fire’ in order to serve those who might need your unique transformation like they need oxygen?
Is it possible that only someone who has been to ‘dark places’…ie: walked through the fire and did not simply survive, but learned how to THRIVE, has the credibility to help others to reach ‘the light’ too?
Is this a reframe you are willing to consider, without spiritually bypassing your feelings & healing?
My childhood & adulthood were filled with abuse of every kind.
When I lived out of alignment as my egoic inauthentic self, I had no idea that I showed up as a Crap Magnet.
I had an invisible (only to me, as everyone else could see) ‘Kick Me’ sign on my back.
Guess what? I got kicked
In my late 40’s I became very self aware and got radically responsible for how I was treated.
I was treated badly in more than one area of my life.
Yet at my rockbottom I realized that I was the Common Denominator.
If I inadvertently brought on my abuse, I could also become the person to shift my mindset and stop the abuse.
Which is exactly what I was privileged to do (as many might not be able to…and I send every due respect to them)
Those who abused me stopped controlling me, thanks to the mindset shifts (& unique modality) divinely gifted to me at my rock bottom.
Today I am an aligned, authentic & FULLY self-expressed Miracle Magnet!
I want this for ALL heart-centred humans ♡
I have noted that beautiful Light & Shadow Workers tend to have THE ugliest stories of abuse and darkness…as their souls were meant to evolve from them…to serve mankind.
I’m not sure how it works ‘Up There’…but I pray that they have the opportunity to go directly to Nirvana/ Heaven forever, as the fire that they walked through in this lifetime was not meant to consume them… but to purify their souls… so they need never return to this Earth School ever again ♡
This idea brings me a lot of joy & peace. How does it make you feel?
I’m blessed to lead an incredible team of SUCH beautiful heart-centred humans who are serving humanity with their own unique Stories, Messages & Magic/(modalities that helped THEM), so they can support others…and know their pain was NOT in vain.
This happens on a foundation of my unique science backed modality… on my proven turn key platform ☆
I’m wondering…might you also be a beautiful soul who like us, was forged through the fire?
Were you meant to serve others through surviving YOUR darkness too?
I invite you to please Hit Reply and let me know.
Also…this Thanksgiving weekend in Canada… please know how truly thankful I am to you dear *|FNAME|* that you take the time to read the messages that flow out of my heart & soul each week ♡
I send you and yours much peace, love & joy!
At Your Service,