Your Power

Your Power

Your Power

OK's message is short & sweet!

First off...many Good Friday & Easter blessings to all my dear Christian friends!

And I invite you to take in the deep knowing that you are completely unique. There is only ONE you!

It sounds like a cliché...but think about it. ONE YOU and you were NOT born by accident. You have a unique mission/purpose to fulfill on while you are here in this lifetime. By staying true to you, you get to live authentically and THAT is where your personal power originates from... Your UNIQUENESS ☆

What if you believed that you are 100% empowered/powerful? How would you live? How would you walk? How would you BE?

I pray that if you do not already live this WILL moving forward.

If you need any support to see yourself this way, do not hesitate to 'Hit Reply' and let's chat ♡

At Your Service,


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