Today’s message is a gentle reminder that YOU get to CHOOSE whether you stay as a Crap Magnet or whether you can be a Miracle Magnet instead!

We’ve all been there, stuck in a cycle of negativity, attracting one bad experience after another. It’s easy to feel like life is against us. But here’s the beautiful truth: you have the power to shift your reality ☆

When I had my Blessed Breakdown at the end of my corporate career, I was divinely guided to transform my life, and share my teachings and tools with the world ♡

I was shown our true potential as heart-centred humans to confront our fears, let go of limiting beliefs, and embrace our true self. 

In doing so, I unlocked the potential to attract MIRACLES instead of CRAP!

Here are a few steps you can use to help you transition from being a Crap Magnet to a Miracle Magnet:

# 1. **Shift Your Mindset**

            Start by recognizing the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Replace them with affirmations of abundance and possibility. Remember, your thoughts create your reality.

# 2. **Practice Gratitude**

             Make it a habit to find something to be grateful for every day. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s wrong in your life to what’s right, attracting more positive experiences.

# 3. **Surround Yourself with Positivity**

             Engage with people who uplift and inspire you. Join communities that support your growth. The energy you surround yourself with greatly influences your journey.

# 4. **Embrace Authenticity**

             Be true to who you are. When you live authentically, you align with your highest self, and the universe responds by bringing you opportunities and experiences that reflect your true essence.

 # 5. **Take Inspired Action**

              Don’t wait for miracles to come to you. Take steps towards your dreams, no matter how small. Each action you take in faith and confidence brings you closer to the miraculous life you deserve.


By choosing to be a Miracle Magnet, you open the door to a life filled with joy, abundance, and limitless possibilities. 

Remember, it’s NEVER too late and you are NEVER too old to be happy, healthy, wealthy and BOLD ☆

I believe that with the RIGHT teachings and tools and the RIGHT community, you CAN turn things around and create a life you love!

As always, feel free to Hit Reply and share your insights and or questions…as I always LOVE to hear from you!


To Your Greatness, 





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