We Must Change Ourselves

We Must Change Ourselves

Today's message is riding on the heels of meeting an inspirational icon yesterday, and learning of her messages on mental health.

I was privileged to attend The Vaughan Chamber of Commerce's Women's Symposium where Margaret Trudeau was the keynote speaker.

Wow...what a life she has lived!

Margaret struggled with bi-polar disorder (depression and mania) and felt misunderstood and very much alone which exacerbated her mental health issues.

Upon meeting her, I sensed a heart and soulful connection with a fellow kind heart-centred sister...a Lightworker... someone who had been to the dark, found her light...and now must help others out of the dark too.

She went to hell and back. In a nutshell, she was on many meds and now is virtually off everything as she has transformed to her most happy & empowered self.

Meds were SO essential for her at the beginning but are not now as she simply CHOSE great mental health and was able to manifest just that...no attachment to anything.

This beautiful Viktor Frankl quote on our pic is one of my favorites as it inspires hope in me that ANYONE can change their mindset if they decide to.

I struggled with mental health issues for 2 x 2 year periods... and I came back to me...miraculously.

The first time I was hit hard my family and I were too oblivious to have me go on meds after I sunk into a 2 year black pit of depression, anxiety and panic disorder... post my boyfriend (I expected would marry me at 22) rejected me...where the black cloud only lifted when I experienced a close brush with death...of my own doing.

The second time was after experiencing double adult bullying (corporately and socially) in my mid-forties...and again the black dogs of depression, anxiety and panic came out to play havoc with my mind.

After 2 years, I realized that I was the common denominator no one else was to blame. I prayed for a way out that was not meds (like my dad had to take and they wreaked havoc on his liver...also I was a drug rep and I knew what they did to our bodies). I also knew I did not wish to spend more years in therapy...as I spent 2 getting over my 'mommy issues' when I was a new mom.

So...this is how I believe I manifested 'a way out' in the form of 'The Love Your Vibe Miracle Mindset'. Since walking this talk daily for the last 9 years I have never gone back to my mental illness. It was a miracle indeed ☆

I call the last 2 years 'my blessed breakdown' as I would have NEVER left my shiny 6 figure corporate pharma ROCKSTAR career to live my authentic truth and realize my TRUE POWER.

This unique system is now being shared with the world through my beautiful tribe of Lightworkers . They also get to share their own magic alongside mine in wonderful year long community programs where all are: safe, seen, celebrated and supported ☆

I believe that when we know better we do better. When we do not have the power to change a situation, we most certainly DO have the power to change our mindset around it. THAT mindset is what creates our vibration. Our vibration will have us attract positive or negative outcomes to us.

Margaret finished off with the message that we can always CHOOSE to be HAPPY...that's what she did ☆

I SO agree beautiful siSTAR...I SO agree.


At Your Service,


P.S. If you are curious about the system I was asked to share with the world, learn more HERE

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