Shiny For Real

Shiny For Real

Shiny For Real

OK……today’s message is a reminder around the importance of doing your ‘Inner Work’…of healing & growth to become ALL you were born to be ☆

There was a time when my shiny exterior was fake.

I spent my life looking for outer validation.

My trauma and ego needing to cover up for my many years of trauma kept me stuck till my late 40’s.

I used to be a wounded little girl who had no idea what self love was, living in a woman’s body, searching for anyone who could help her feel safe, loved & worthy. It nearly killed me…my sanity… and my marriage. 

Then I began my ‘Inner Work’.

I learned to separate & re-integrate my self protective ego.

Today my joyful self love & shine is REAL ☆

Today my marriage is ‘Heaven-On-Earth ☆

Today my mental health is excellent ☆

The cool bonus is that my virtual every dream has come true too!

Shiny For Real

I want this for YOU and for the world too ♡

Especially today, when we are inundated with so many beautiful people on Social Media who look SO shiny & together on the outside.

I can actually FEEL their struggles on the inside.  

I know that virtually no one gets out of childhood without trauma of some sort (BIG ‘T’ & little ‘t’).

I deeply believe that unless you learn to unpack your old stories and face your past, you may never be WHOLE your smile may never be REAL.

Please Hit Reply if you have any questions about how working with me or one of my brilliant Miracle Mindset Mentors…can support YOUR unique journey, as doing it alone is not easy or fun.

We have some beautiful programs at all price points. 

Don’t hesitate to connect.

At Your Service, 


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