

Shadows today's message is an invitation to go deeper...and face your shadows.

My beloved #DreamTeam & I have magical meetings twice monthly.

We gather on Zoom in sacred space, where we honour each other and our beautiful mission of helping the world 'Love Their Vibe'.

We are truly empowered & blessed within our small community, as we all feel: Safe, Seen, Celebrated & Supported ♡

We believe that in this type of environment there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

We also don't believe in 'spiritually bypassing' our shadows/ emotions, by not going deeper to face, feel & release them...for inner peace.

Yesterday I shared a powerful video that one of our beloved leaders Eleanor Hayward had posted in our private group.

WOW. The speaker spoke of confronting 'Shadow Contracts' i.e: old paradigms that shamed, judged, or guilted us into behaving a certain a form of control...for our parent's & society's benefit...which disconnected us from OUR truth. She flipped old ways of being on their heads. Incredible. Check it out here:

Afterward, we all experienced impactful moments with each other, deeply present and moved by what we shared.

After revealing some deep stuff, I could sense we all felt lighter. I'm still smiling ♡

It's pretty amazing how shining a light on our shadows and sharing in the right community can be so 'enlightening' & transformational.

Do you have a community that feels truly safe & empowering for you to open up to?

Are you a part of at least one community that keeps cheering you on as you release what no longer serves you and you simply keep becoming more & more YOU?

When you #LoveYourVibe, especially in our caring & unique communities, you simply become more 'Aligned & Authentic' & 'Fully Self Expressed'...and when you do...magic & miracles just kind of find YOU ☆

Curious to learn more?

Please join our FB Group  or hit Reply and let's chat!

At Your Service,


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