Scars Serve

Scars Serve

Scars Serve today's message is one that I hope might bring you a sense of peace & meaning vs. futility...if you are struggling in a dark place.

Kahil Gibran was my dear mother-in-law's (whom I never had the honour of meeting) favorite poet.

Just knowing it was her favorite book makes me feel we would have shared similar values. You can learn a lot about a person when you know what matters to them.

I pray she is resting in peace in a better place knowing her middle child married someone much like her.

My heart goes out to my dear hubby who lost his beloved momma much too 54.

Although we were very challenged for many years of our nearly 32 years of marriage, we feel our scars made us stronger as a couple. Scar tissue after all is stronger than normal tissue.

Do you believe that your suffering might serve a purpose? Do you feel that there might be moments you were destined to endure as they made you more of who you were truly meant to be? Khalil's quote gives me much hope and I pray that if you are in a dark place now, you might feel that your struggle & pain might actually burn away all that you are NOT...enabling you to become who you truly ARE.

On a personal note, I'm extremely grateful for every moment of pain I've endured over almost 6 decades...several years in virtual darkness.

Hardly anyone knew, as my ego always managed to have my smile, as to not worry my family or friends...or claim defeat.

My beautiful husband suffered the brunt of my darkness. Ours truly is a 'Miracle Marriage'.

Those years turned us into fierce yet humble 'there by the grace of God go we'.

How about you?

How are YOU being shaped into MORE of who TRULY are... through your darkness...your challenges...your scars?

Hit Reply to share anything you are inspired to share beautiful I may witness you ♡

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