RB’s Message 

RB's Message

RB’s Message 

OK…today’s message comes not from me, but from Russell Brand ♡

What happened in Texas a few days ago tore my heart in two. It was beyond devastating and I felt the heavy energy on humanity. How about you?

I felt my energy lift after watching this video my dear friend & colleague Jennifer Hawkins sent me. It consoled me to some degree, so I would like to think that good may actually arise out of the insanity we are witnessing. 

RB's Message

I would love to hear YOUR perspectives…both on his share and beyond. You may watch his video here.

I’m also here to support you personally as 2 spots have opened in my 1:1 coaching practice. This would be perfect for you if you:

  • are in your midlife…
  • have very felt aligned with my energy & content…
  • know deeply you are here to feel better and serve the world in a bigger way so you do not die with your Real Music still in you…

Please Hit Reply and let me know WHY now would be an ideal time to connect

At Your Service,


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