Make Joy Mandatory

Make Joy Mandatory

So the message I was asked to share today is: 'Make Joy Mandatory."

What a tall order...especially during these interesting times we are living through in our own unique way...yes?

Indeed it is.

It is my challenge to you.

How can you fit more joy into your life in SPITE of ALL that is happening around you?

Can you intentionally cultivate more joyful practices into your day?

I invite you to come up with creative ways to fit simple, joyful routines and rituals into your day.

On a personal note, as soon as hubby & I were asked to stay home, we intuitively began some daily rituals that I believe have sustained us well as so far as neither of us has struggled with our global pandemic situation.

We incorporated a 40 minute daily walk into our day. It's non-negotiable. We get to connect after a day of him doing his thing (blessed to not be working & taking some great online courses... challenging himself at's NEVER too late to recreate) and me doing my thing of mainly marketing 'The Love Your Vibe Transformation' online.

We chat about our daily highlights and we listen to the birds and watch the flowers bloom and the trees bud. It's the highlight in our day ♡

When we get home we perform a sacred smudging ceremony on each other. We bless the other with sacred white sage smoke and honour each other with great gratitude.

We then prepare a beautiful dinner together which is a new thing as we mostly survived on take out food before the COVID-19 lockdown.

We choose to make simple joyful practices mandatory...not optional. We feel extremely blessed to be thriving...not simply surviving.

It feels like a miracle to feel this good while we are living in such a simple & limited way. It's showing us how little we truly all need, in order to be happy.

What a beautiful lesson for humanity. To need very little is very freeing...don't you think? about YOU? Are you inspired to incorporate more joyful practices into your day and reap the benefits of a simple & beautiful life?

Please hit REPLY if you wish to share your own joyful practices or what you wish to commit to, so I can cheer you on!


At Your Service,


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