Let It Out

Let It Out

Let It Out

OK , this message is for you beautiful & gifted women or men who have not allowed yourselves to REALLY OWN your gifts…YET.

Perhaps you do not believe your gifts are really important enough to develop or express.

You are too busy making money in your chosen profession and hiding any struggles (that naturally happen when you live out of alignment & not fully self-expressed) behind a smile, as your ego needs you to look good & be accepted by everyone around you.

Does this feel familiar to you?

How do I know this?

I was you.

I looked very shiny on the outside in my 6 figure award-winning BIG Pharma career.On the inside, I struggled in a myriad of ways.
My marriage was ‘hell-on-wheels’ as I needed outer validation like I needed oxygen. This takes its toll on a marriage…trust me.

I was bullied corporately AND socially. I experienced depression, anxiety & panic disorder virtually my whole life; but living in a solid mental health breakdown for last 2 years of my corporate life was truly the catalyst/catapult I needed to leave this inauthentic, unaligned NOT fully self expressed life behind, to live my TRUTH (becoming a pro jazz artist at 51) and Bigger Purpose/Mission.

THIS actually turned things around for my mental health AND marriage quickly & naturally.

It was honestly a miracle, and not just for me, as I was told to share it with the world.

My beloved father & first love were world-class artists who never allowed themselves to become FULLY self-expressed.

I believe both their unexpressed gifts burned holes in their souls, and they died with their REAL MUSIC still in them with cancers, mental health and marital struggles.

This is WHY I’m SO passionate to see kind & people-pleasing men & women live their TRUTH and Bigger Mission, as their struggles miraculously turn around when they realize who they TRULY are and become FULLY self-expressed ☆

If it’s IN you…you’ve got to let it out of you…or it’s going to burn a hole in your soul.

You were not born with talents, gifts, passions or desires, randomly.

An album, a screenplay, a movement, a (fill in the blank)? Guess what? The world NEEDS it. It’s NOT about YOU.

Hit Reply if this post spoke to you, and please allow me to witness what might STILL be lying dormant in YOU ☆

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