Compassion, Vulnerability, Healing

How Jennifer Can Help You Go from ‘Crap Magnet‘ to ‘Miracle Magnet‘


Building compassion and self love are the first steps to healing. This expands and effects all other relationships, including the one with your Self.


When we can share our darkness and be witnessed by another in love and trust, not judgment, we can shift the energy in our bodies and reprogram false beliefs.


Healing begins when we open ourselves to what else is possible. When we release past trauma and feel it to heal it, we open ourselves up to complete transformation.


Hello beautiful soul! My name is Jennifer, and I would love to share a bit about myself.

I was a single mom for 8 years to a beautiful son and years later I became the stepmother to 3 traumatized teens. Their father had to remove them from a challenging situation…many kilometers away from everything they were familiar with.

It was tough for all of us, and I can honestly say I didn’t show up at my best.

Structure and control have always been a strong ‘Act’ for me, and it certainly didn’t suit this situation when I should have come from a place of empathy, love, and understanding.

We managed (barely) and I was often in a state of depression, anger, and resentment. I began drinking very heavily to ‘deal’ ie: cope with my emotions. In the process, I hurt myself and those around me. I began blaming everything and everyone around me and did not take any accountability for how I showed up in this toxic family dynamic.

‘The Love Your Vibe Miracle Mindset’ came into my life in my darkest hour. The tools presented to me seemed ‘doable’ and although I worked with some of them, I didn’t truly commit to my journey of healing, self-love, and personal development.

Money was an issue. My marriage was all but falling apart and I couldn’t see out of the fog of resentment, anger, self-pity, and loathing. I realized that if my life was going to get better, it was up to ME!!!

I began taking radical responsibility for how I was showing up. I committed to doing the ‘inner work’. I was committed to ‘raising my vibration’…so I would become a ‘Miracle Mindset Mentor’.

Of course, I’m human and I still have dark days, however now with my ‘The Love Your Vibe Transformation’ teachings and tools, the darkness doesn’t dig its claws in me as deeply and I can bring myself out by flipping my script!

I can now feel it to heal it… acknowledge it and shift out of it. It’s a MIRACLE really, compared to the old way I used to process ‘the dark times’.

In 2018 I experienced my ‘blessed breakdown’, and boy did it snap something inside me! I think I can honestly say if this had happened a year before, I would have ended up in the hospital.

I believe that the tools gifted to me from Elvira and others I’ve learned from on my spiritual path, adding compassion and self-love, brought me out to the other side of this event feeling lighter, more whole and complete than ever before.

I believe that the person I’m BEcoming today is who I’ve always been. It’s who was always inside but I believed I wasn’t good enough to feel this good. Can you relate?

The anger and self-loathing are healed and integrated. I trust MYSELF. I listen to my intuition. I recognize and correct my ‘people pleaser’. I know I’m meant for more in this life and so are YOU. We ALL are!

If you resonate with anything that I have shared, I would love to be your humble guide. It would be my greatest honour to serve on your journey and remind you of your greatness as Elvira has always reminded me.

Love and Many Blessings,

Jennifer Hawkins

Miracle Mindset Mentor

How to Join Jennifer as your Miracle Mindset Mentor

Begin Your Transformation with the teachings and tools for success:

Learn how to get out of your own f’n (fear & ego) way with The VIP Mindset Reset Online. It’s time to start creating a life of miracles…a life that you love!


Now that you have the teachings and tools for your growth it’s time to join Jennifer as your Miracle Mindset Mentor

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