Happy Friday,
I'm blessed to be the resident lifecoach for a very cool online publication. Check it out if you wish @ www.elegantluxelife.com ☆
I recently asked the lovely editor Leonie, to ask her beloved readers: "What is your BIGGEST struggle? What keeps you up at night?"
There were a few common themes...that actually tie together quite nicely.
First, many readers reported feeling "stuck" either in careers that do not fulfill them and not knowing how or having the courage to make a change. One reader shared: "I have a great well paying job that I really dislike, but I don’t know what else to do or how to get started" and another asked "How do I choose between wanting to work full-time and staying with my children?"
I diagnose that connecting to their Higher Purpose/ WHY/ Unique Legacy is at the crux here.
So, here's the thing...living from our personal truth is not something we tend to GET as young people...and many well meaning parents & teachers can inadvertently encourage (at best) or push us (at worst) into safe/well paying/ego-satisfying careers that are NOT US...as most of us had NO idea what US really was back in high school.
I personally chose not one but TWO very high paying & glamorous careers to 'people please' my parents, my spouse & society's expectations. I finally escaped to live my truth & my dreams & now humbly serve others to escape too.
Our job as adults is to look inward and to re-evaluate what our true value on the planet really is. There are LOTS of resources out there to serve us. I shall address this more in future posts.
Right now I simply encourage you to get on the path to your authentic heart & soul. It may start as simply as picking up a book. Oprah Winfrey got me started way back when with her recommendation 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban Breathnach. It was the beginning of a totally necessary inner revolution for me.
Second, many readers are holding themselves back due to the influence of others. One woman asked: "I want to start my own business but my husband says I wouldn’t be any good at it, how do it move past that and get started?" It's amazing how often it's those closest to us can be the biggest naysayers or try to influence us for what they see as our own good. "My parents want me to be a lawyer and go to law school, I don’t, I want to be graphic designer. What do I do to get them to see my opinion matters?" said a younger reader.
I believe that learning to love & honour who you TRULY are...not who you are told you should be, can trigger taking the steps to making the right moves to live your life of purpose...and dreams ☆
A third theme, is the feeling that because we have a conventionally "nice" life we SHOULD feel happy and fulfilled. As one woman said: "According to everyone else I have the perfect life, married to a wealthy man and 2 healthy kids but I am not happy." There's an awful lot of guilt that comes with this feeling.
Again...when we get really clear on who we are...we CAN shut down the voices all around us spewing their perhaps insecure and bad advice and tune into our own voice and move towards making the REAL difference we were brought here to make...while having a damn good time doing it!
Moving forward...I'll be addressing the theme of letting go of what everyone else wants for us...and becoming TRULY ourselves...hopefully sooner than later in our lives ♡
Thanks to ALL the readers who participated in our little survey!
Here to serve you...always,