Today’s message is one of BIG appreciation to YOU ♡
I was a little shocked to find out last week that my humble ‘Fab Friday’ weekly ‘love letter’ to you my beloved…has a 47.7% ‘Open Rate’!
Industry standard is only 15-28%.
I SO appreciate you for valuing my content & I enough to offer it a virtually double industry ‘Open Rate’ ☆☆

To show my deepest gratitude, I would like to enter your name into a draw for a FREE 1 HOUR 1: 1 CoacHealing Session with me…if you feel that…
You ‘show up’ daily, wearing one (or more) of your egoic masks of false bravado for self protection… God forbid ANYONE might find you
Yet you are sick & tired of looking very successful to the world & feeling like a fake…a total imposter…
But deep down you know you are here for MORE (ie: more authenticity, love, joy, peace, money, passion & Purpose … etc)…
Consider letting your guard down with me (I GOT you… I WAS you… NO judgment at ALL) in a powerful yet gentle conversation, guaranteed to help you shift out of a dark place & into the light ☆
Simply Hit Reply to ENTER where you may be one of THREE chosen ♡♡♡
At Your Service,