Happy FAB FRIDAY beauty!
OK....so the theme that came up at several points for me this week was this: 'Authenticity...is the key...to living happy and bully free ♡
I lived like an imposter for 27 years in 2 glamorous medical/healthcare careers...having chosen the first to please my parents and the second to look good to society...every single day feeling like an authority was going to barge in to tell me: "Get out...you have NO clue what you are doing."
I was a perfect target for bullies...with a neon 'Kick Me' sign on my back...living so precariously...like a freshly planted tree...any wind (bully) could blow me away.
That state brought me many bouts of depression, anxiety, panic, bad habits and addictions... and at the very lowest point even suicidal ideation...as I tried to run away from my insecure self and feelings of incompetency.
You see, I was not living in my 'truth zone'...I was not using the gifts I was given.
As a little girl I was told I could not be a performing artist...as 'good girls' did not sing, dance and act for a living...all the things I loved to do. Entertaining brought me SUCH joy though. However, I figured out pretty quickly that it wasn't safe to desire my desires...and risk losing my parental love and care. Hence my people pleasing/ imposter life began.
Fast forward to today. I miraculously managed to escape a ROCKSTAR yet inauthentic life...to live truthfully. I now live a life that I love...and I do not work a day in it...as everything I do is by choice and is pure joy ☆
I'm surrounded by a beautiful community (Dream Team) that supports me to do the things I do not enjoy... and I support their journeys...and life is truly sweet!
Back then, I had one workplace bully then attracted another bully socially. I allowed them to 'take me down' in my last 2 'very dark' years of corporate life. The coolest thing was that they actually stopped bullying me right after I had the courage to leave behind my inauthentic life. When I tore the 'Kick Me' sign off my back...they stopped kicking me. Funny how that works...lol!
I'm actually truly grateful for them...as I would have never had the courage to leave behind a 6 figure award-winning corporate career had I not gotten so low that I actually thought of ending it all. They were my biggest 'Angels of Evolution' ☆
I finally let go of my self-limiting beliefs (that good girls are not entertainers) I embraced my artist/ performer within... became a pro musician at the age of 51... and now have the privilege of performing on world class stages with world class artists. Now I help my tribe to heal with my voice and music...SO joyous!
My biggest blessing was becoming a professional coach so I could help others to connect with THEIR truth... create the life of THEIR dreams...and connect to their Bigger Purpose/WHY.
I take great pleasure in seeing my tribe and I as solid oak trees...with roots so deep in the ground...that no wind can blow us away...as we live and breathe our authentic best lives!
I choose to passionately serve with my Story...so that we all GET that it's NEVER too late to get real and to create the life of OUR dreams ☆
How about you Elvira V.? Do you live your life by default? Or do you live a life that you created having dug deep to connect with your TRUE heart & soul?
I would love to know...message me back! Please check out my very cool offer below to support too ♡
At Your Service,
P.S. I've extended my 'VIP Mindset Reset Online special promo till October 12...if you wish to learn about the divinely gifted system that saved my life! Please click here and enter promo code 'SPEAKERSLAM' to get $100 off the already reduced launch price of $297 ($997 value) ♡