Today’s message is inviting you to check in, to see…is there is MORE in STORE for YOU, in 2024?


Here’s what I know for sure…

If you are a fun-loving & heart-centred mid-lifish human…I invite you to ask yourself…

How AMAZING would YOUR life be if:

1. You felt FREE to SHINE YOUR LIGHT & BE SEEN, ACCEPTED & LOVED as your ‘Authentic Self’?

2. You had the INCOME & FREEDOM to JOYFULLY do WHATEVER THE HELL you wanted to do, WHENEVER THE HELL you wanted to do it?

3. You KNEW you were MAKING THE DIFFERENCE you were born to make…and that the world was a BETTER PLACE because YOU were IN IT?

4. Shift from your successful corporate/professional Act1 into your ‘Aligned & Authentic & Fully Self Expressed’ Act2, Act3 or even your Act4 or beyond?

5. You experienced even MORE FUN, FREEDOM, HEALTH, WEALTH & LOVE… living FULLY SELF-EXPRESSED on a daily basis?


If you answered 11…I believe that there is MORE in STORE for YOU in 2024 ☆

Heck, I’m 61…and I’m JUST getting STARTED!

‘Hit Reply’ and ask me if you are eligible for a NO CHARGE (Value=$297) 1 hour, 1:1 with me, called a #SacredSOULutionSession, to get ULTIMATE clarity around what you deeply desire & deserve, and what PREVENTS you from being where you want to be and having what you truly want. (hint-hint: It’s NOT your fault)

I have been told that these sessions are PURE GOLD ☆

In summary:

If you are a heart-centred mid-lifeish human ready to make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life, please borrow my belief in you…until YOU can actually OWN/believe it too ♡

With me as your ‘Guide On The Side’, you will experience unshakable confidence, alignment & authenticity with your Purpose…where NO ONE & NO THING can ever rob you of this confident & authentic alignment with your Purpose EVER AGAIN ☆

You get to become a Miracle Magnet where you magically attract the life of YOUR DREAMS…your BEST LIFE ♡

Most importantly, you will NOT DIE with your REAL MUSIC STILL IN YOU…and the world GETS what YOU GOT ☆

THIS is what I’ve ultimately been blessed to do, and now get to guide others too ♡

Curious about how I might serve YOU? Hit Reply & let’s chat. 

I’m not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ and I will tell you we are not a perfect fit, if we are less than ideal. 

I can then intuitively make recommendations and or referrals to other practitioners, coaches & mentors.

I know I WON’T die with my REAL MUSIC still in ME…and neither should YOU ☆

So…if this message speaks deeply to your heart & soul, Hit Reply & message me “I want to be a Miracle Magnet” to see if YOU are eligible, as these ‘gifted’ spots are limited.

At Your Service, 


P.S.  As my prices are going up in a few days, and I have space for ONLY THREE more 1:1 clients… please reach out right away if you feel called to BE & DO MORE in 2024, linked arms with me… as you can get there faster & have WAY more FUN too!

P.P.S. Finally…have a AMAZING 2024!!!

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