Today’s message is inspired by my beautiful friend & ‘right hand’ Eleanor Hayward ♡

This past week marked an incredible milestone for our community—our 3rd Annual Team LYV (Love Your Vibe) Retreat ☆ 

Each year we take 3 days off to spend time being educated & inspired at the gorgeous Crieff Hills Retreat Centre in Puslinch, Ontario ♡

We gather here each year in the serene countryside, nourished by delicious food and embraced by nature’s peace ☆

Our amazing like-hearted community connected through laughter, joy, mindfulness, and movement. 

Each of us brought our own magical offerings & presentations to uplevel each of us & and our personal leadership!

It was a celebration of transformation—each of us feeling, healing, and revealing who we truly are with the power of ‘The Love Your Vibe Miracle Mindset’ teachings & tools ☆

Together, we continue to experience profound shifts in our lives through this unique ‘Personal Evolution SOULution’, and we are deeply grateful for the gift of this journey…in our brilliant community ♡

Our loving community is growing, and we would love to invite YOU to be a part of our beautiful global movement & evolution! 

Whether you’re ready to embark on your personal transformation through ‘The Love Your Vibe Transformation’ and/or you’re inspired to become a facilitator and also bring your own unique gifts to my platform, there’s space for you here ☆

My beloved team & I cultivate a culture where everyone feels: Safer, Seen, Celebrated & Supported, and we’d be honored to have you join us!

For weekly wisdom and insights channeled by me, plus occasional special offerings and freebies, be sure to invite your heart-centred friends to also subscribe to FAB FRIDAY at…and ‘share the love’ that might actually transform their lives☆

We believe that time to evolve (heal & grow) is now! Join us on this miraculous journey and experience the magic of our growing, heart-centered community all growing & glowing TOGETHER!

As always, please Hit Reply if you are curious about how my wonderful team or I might serve YOU beautiful soul ♡

To Your Greatness, 


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