
Love Your Vibe Transformation 6-Month Group Mentorship Program WAITLIST

Subscription Starts from $297.00 for each 6 months with 6 installments

Prices are in Canadian dollars

IMPORTANT! If you have already purchased The VIP Mindset Reset Online Course, please login before returning to this tab to place your order.
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Grand total


If you choose to be served by Darlene, Julie, Akosua, Aline, Justin, Erika, or Christy for their 'Beta Flights' as newly graduated Miracle Mindset Mentors:

Option 1: Full Pay: $1497 (Save $285)*

Option 2: $297 / month for 6 months*

If you choose to be served by Lead Miracle Mindset Mentor Eleanor Hayward, our Dream Team's beloved trainer:

Option 1: Full Pay: $2197 (Save $485)*

Option 2: $447 / month for 6 months*

*If you have already purchased The VIP Mindset Reset Online Course, you will be rebated upon emailing your receipt to

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