How Kendra Can Help You Go from 'Crap Magnet' to 'Miracle Magnet'
Lighten Up
Kendra has a natural ability to make people laugh through finding the “funny” in every day experiences. She just calls it like she sees it, but that ends up being humorous. She brings this to the groups she facilitates and this way of looking at life can be infectious.
The loss of two good friends when they were 49 has given Kendra a true Joie de Vivre. While others were complaining about turning 50, she has embraced the fact that she is still here and able to enjoy all that life offers. Nothing is too small nor too big to find the joy in. This permeates who she is and she will do everything she can to help you find all the joy in your life!
Through various experiences in her life, Kendra has realized that she can get through any situation with grace and remain authentic to herself. She is confident that personal growth is a game changer in life. We can all make a difference in the world!
Join Kendra's Miracle Mindset Mastermind
Fast forward through administrative and sales jobs and starting a family, Kendra became an Independent Consultant with Arbonne. Allowing her to stay home with her children while growing her business, she was enjoying freedom and flexibility. She grew her team to the level of Regional Vice President. Her team slowly quit and she took it very personally. She assumed she must not have been an effective leader if these consultants left. Her self worth took another beating. Unable to shake her passion for serving people and making a difference, she continued with her Arbonne business, determined to do the personal growth necessary to become whole and confident again.
Recently, she encountered a situation where she was called to stand up for herself. Although it took some time, she finally did. She realized that if she didn't stand up to the bully, how could she ever expect either of her children to stand up to the "mean kids". Becoming completely unattached to the outcome, she found peace and strength.
Today she is determined to help others be the best they can be...going from being a "crap-magnet" to a "miracle magnet"!